There are pictures here of course, but this is not about my photography business as such. If that's what you're after, please click on this link and it will take you to my business site. If you want to get in touch with me more directly, you can use the facebook tool below, or you can always call me at 209.743.9649

I hope you all find one site as beautiful as the other. Take a little time, when you have it, to drop me a line and let me know what you think. I like hearing from my friends; even those I haven't met yet.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wanna buy a rake?

I Got home from a hard day at blackrock. Found myself in the midst of fencing project finishing up as I arrived.
Once we were done we found we'd imprisoned our collection of dead garden tools.
So I shot the prisoners. Odd to shoot the dead, but I did.
Then watched them carried outside the prison walls to be disposed of.
I have no idea of their final resting place.
So here's a picture of the prisoners up against a tree...just before they were shot.
I normally don't go in for the still-life pretty object found subject kinda stuff...but there it was and there I was.
So here you are.
Something else tomorrow I hope.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Here Kitty Kitty

Charlie my cat died last month...and we were without a cat.

Then we got a cat. I have a camera. So here you are.

Robin thought I should start posting a picture each day too. What with the regular demand for family images, between us we've got a lot to post. It's nice to have this stuff someplace other than the commercial website.

So here's Phoebe the cat kinda solarized or something. I was bored and playing with Lightroom.

For those who have not tried it, Adobe Lightroom is groovy. Try it for free. Dowload from

You should also see what a real blogger can do at

Patrick Works
Cat Lover