There are pictures here of course, but this is not about my photography business as such. If that's what you're after, please click on this link and it will take you to my business site. If you want to get in touch with me more directly, you can use the facebook tool below, or you can always call me at 209.743.9649

I hope you all find one site as beautiful as the other. Take a little time, when you have it, to drop me a line and let me know what you think. I like hearing from my friends; even those I haven't met yet.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Salsa or Catch Up?

Yippee...finally a free day to get back to the blog, back to the kitchen, back to the backyard with the kids.

I've been working so much between the town job and the photo gigs that my virtual fans have been agitating...and yes I do see it's been more than a month since I posted.
So here you are. As I've not been entirely idle, I do have a backlog of illustration to post, so I'll go easy on the prose here and just let you look at the pictures.

These are mostly fun snapshots of stuff around the house/farm/compound/whatever. Here's our new addition to the compound....our very own gingerbread house!

This is clearly a sign of colder weather on the way, though most of our days have been unseasonably warm.

Speaking of's the last batch of tomatoes becoming salsa.

This one is just a nice night sky...and I'm always looking at the sky. Bright moon makes a groovy sky.

And of course there's Ellie. Whenever Robin and I are convinced we've seen it all, she comes up with something new and beautiful. Today she's decided that plants are clothes.

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