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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I Finally Got My Light Bright

When I was a kid, just like everyone else I was hooked to the television. All the normal marketing and advertising tricks they'd come to perfect to suck up the minds and wills of children worked magnificently on me. I can still hear the jingles from Saturday mornings 40 years ago; I am haunted by Hasbro.

We could not afford most of the really "neat-o" toys that were advertised. Were we able to afford them, my mother would certainly not have bought most of them anyway; she had other ideas.

There was one I still want. It was called Light Bright. You may remember it. It was a little 8x10 back-lit panel with a grid of holes in which you could put little colored plastic pegs and make a glowing picture. They had templates of course...the usual cartoon characters etc., but I wanted to make my own.

I never got my Light Bright, but now I have my cameras.

Always fond of breaking the rules, I've found if I do so with my cameras and software I can get my Light-Bright after all...and here you have the result.

It's a picture of my kids' favorite toy; their rope swing.

I had one of those. My mother approved entirely.

Merry Christmas


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