So Robin got together some really nice costumes for the kids. Mostly thrift store materials. Manufactured stuff was all used and really cheap.
She says next year we're going for entirely home-made costumes.
Ellie was able to keep up with the kids for the first time. She did not need to be carried around all night. Great for moms and dads and wonderful for Ellie too I'm sure.
It was a bit hard this year as we have had a wonderful Hallowe'en tradition since Izzy was born of sharing the night with Paulo and Aiden and their families in Watsonville. We're not there and couldn't make it back to join them. That was hard on Robin. Perhaps next year we will.
For the record I think the person who decided to re-invent the Reeses Peanut Butter Cup should be locked into a cell with the person who re-invented the Oreo Cookie...and then they should be left to rot in their own filth for the rest of time. Some things are sacred.
Patrick Works
Low-Brow Confection Snob
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