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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Prep for planting...structure

We have predators, we have scavengers, we have pesky critters of all kinds. So things have gotten a bit medeival around here. We cage our animals at night so the bobcats don't eat 'em. Mostly it works. Sometimes it does not. Bobcats are smart and evidently very dextrous.

Today we were preparing garden beds for planting a million tomatoes and for my peppers. The pests in this case are the pet geese who will eat everything. So luckily we only need to make it a bit difficult (very short fence) and they give up and chew on the lawn. Nice.

Jerry found these ancient fenceposts somewhere for free, so we're putting them back in the ground. Beautiful and primitive. Woodhenge.

Then he made the dirt into swiss cheese with all the holes. It'll be really nice when it's all planted of course...breakfast on the garden patio will be amazing this summer...but it's kinda nice right now too. I like to just look at it and imagine the possibilities. Kinda like havin' kids.

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