There are pictures here of course, but this is not about my photography business as such. If that's what you're after, please click on this link and it will take you to my business site. If you want to get in touch with me more directly, you can use the facebook tool below, or you can always call me at 209.743.9649

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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Landscape

This is a bit of a departure for me. I don't normally find myself sitting outside taking pictures of the landscape. Flowers and trees and rocks are pretty, and I do enjoy them. Certainly having relocated the family back to Robin's home has brought about a new appreciation of the landscape. It's new to me. It's beautiful. It's everywhere. I have time to look, and to shoot.

All that aside, I don't shoot the landscape much. Instead I just enjoy.

If you've seen my business site, you'll see that most of what I do is portraiture. Even my commercial work ends up being portraiture of stuff instead of people, but it's done the same way.

This landscape/scenery stuff is different. The people who shoot it are different too. More solitary.

Then on Easter Sunday I found myself on the side of the road shooting this hill of poppies. The hill got me. It's so vertical it looks like something out of a chinese painting. So I pulled over and took a couple of shots. About eight or so frames into shooting I noticed the deer. I guess she was concerned about what I might be shooting with.

On another day, on another hill, she might have had reason to worry if she were a he. On this Easter she had nothing to worry about. Whereas I was shooting, I was still just there to enjoy. And share.

So here you are.

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