Calaveras County is truck country. Most everyone here has a pickup, even if it's not their primary vehicle. For those of us who will admit to being curious, or even a bit nosy, this gives us an opportunity to look into those truck beds and get to know our neighbors just a little better.
You can tell a lot about somebody by what they haul around. First of course is what they think's worth loading. Sometimes the more subtle and telling point is what they don't think is worth unloading.
If you were to look into the back of my truck, you'd find a mixed bag...fertilizer for the gardens, feed for the animals, sometimes you find the animals themselves, there is usually some kind of photo equipment of course, and sometimes you'll find me sleeping back there. I carry a nice old wool blanket just for napping emergencies.

These two shots were notable for the simplicity of the loads...just one item in abundance in each truck. This is a single-mindedness about loading and hauling I don't often find in my own life.
Simplicity is nice, and makes nice pictures.
Perhaps the changing and mixed nature of my truck's bed reflects the changing and mixed nature of my life...or maybe that's just a load of crap.
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