We're in the last little bubble of warm weather here in Calaveras County, trying to get our minds around the notion of long-johns and wood burning stoves. While all this is looming, the day is quite warm and sunny and everyone is still in shorts and sandals.

We did however, have our first good frost, and the local wisdom is that good hard cold is coming soon. We've got out the long coats, I'm having to put away my summer suits (wedding season is later here but is also winding to a close...hooray for holiday family portraits!) and get out the mud boots.
Robin's got the kids' loft in great shape, and our room and the rest of the house are finally in a state where she's happy and comfortable. This is pretty important as our place is small and during winter it's where we spend our time.
This time of year is a bit odd, as there's still quite a bit of food left in the garden, but we know it'll all die soon if we don't bring it in. Our tomatoes were fantastic this year, and my Bulgarian Carrots (very hot orange peppers) were magnificent. So we had salsa of course. Corn was not so great and the kids had fantastic luck with the squash and pumpkins. We grew a few odd varieties and a couple that were just fun because they get so huge.

I had a great conflict about the bees this year. I had hoped to harvest some honey, and this year was going to be the first when we'd have enough. But I decided that I'd let the bees keep their honey another year. We've only got the one hive and I really really want the colony to get well established here.
I'm not sure harvesting would hurt. I'm actually pretty sure it's totally benign. But something just felt right about letting the girls have their feast. Our orchard is coming along nicely, despite the deer visits from time to time. Between our bee colony and our irrigation system it's thriving, so giving back the honey just seems proper.
Next year, there'll be jars and jars.
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